
Do not reckon as. . .

Do not reckon as a truly wise man that one whose mind is subject to fear on account of temporal life.”

+ St. Isaac of Nineveh, “Six Treatises on the Behaviour of Excellence”, Mystical Treatises by Isaac of Nineveh

What is the benefit of fasting in. . .

What is the benefit of fasting in our body while filling our souls with innumerable evils? He who does not play at dice, but spends his leisure otherwise, what nonsense does he not utter? What absurdities does he not listen to? Leisure without the fear of God is, for those who do not know how to use time, the teacher of wickedness.”

-St Anthony the Great

Three Fathers used to go. . .

Three Fathers used to go and visit blessed Anthony every year and two of them used to discuss their thoughts and the salvation of their souls with him, but the third always remained silent and did not ask him anything. After a long time, Abba Anthony said to him, “You often come here to see me, but you never ask me anything,” and the other replied, “It is enough for me to see you, Father

-St Anthony the great

Let us take refuge from. . .

Let us take refuge from this world. You can do this in spirit, even if you are kept here in the body. You can at the same time be here and present to the Lord. Your soul must hold fast to him, you must follow after him in your thoughts, you must tread his ways by faith, not in outward show.

-Saint Ambrose of Milan