
Unless the grace of God comes to. . .

Unless the grace of God comes to the help of our frailty, to protect and defend it, no man can withstand the insidious onslaughts of the enemy nor can he damp down or hold in check the fevers which burn in our flesh with nature’s fire.

— John Cassian

Wherefore we hold that. . .

Wherefore we hold that we ought to introduce only those things which we have described above, and which are adapted to the humble character of our profession and the nature of the climate, that the chief thing about our dress maybe not the novelty of the garb, which might give some offence to men of the world, but its honourable simplicity.  ”

John Cassian, The Twelve Books of John Cassian on the Intitutes of Coenobia, and the Remedies for the Eight Principle Faults

Beauty is indeed a. . .

Beauty is indeed a good gift of God; but that the good may not think it a great good, God dispenses it even to the wicked.

— St. Augustine of Hippo

By nature, men. . .

By nature, men desire the beautiful.


St. Basil The Great

I know the laws of. . .

I know the laws of allegory, though less by myself than from the works of others. There are those truly, who do not admit the common sense of the Scriptures, for whom water is not water, but some other nature, who see in a plant, in a fish, what their fancy wishes, who change the nature of reptiles and of wild beasts to suit their allegories, like the interpreters of dreams who explain visions in sleep to make them serve their own ends. For me grass is grass; plant, fish, wild beast, domestic animal, I take all in the literal sense. ‘For I am not ashamed of the Gospel’ [Romans 1:16]


-St Anthony the Great