Come, then, O son of the Mystery of the sons of the Church, learn the. . .

Come, then, O son of the Mystery of the sons of the Church, learn the order by which you may near to the priesthood, that you may approach it in the manner that the apostle Paul enjoined. With a pure heart approach, the Body and Blood of our Lord which cleanse you from the stains of your offences which you have committed; the priests will not recoil from a sinner who wishes to return, nor from one defiled who mourns and is distressed for his defilement.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit

All the sons of the Church rejoice, and all the people, when they see. . .

All the sons of the Church rejoice, and all the people, when they see the Body setting forth from the midst of the alter; and even as the apostles rejoiced in our Lord after His resurrection, so do all the faithful rejoice when they see Him.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit

The people answer: O Lord, pardon the sins of your servants, and. . .

The people answer: O Lord, pardon the sins of your servants, and purify our conscience from doubts and from Strifes. O Lord, pardon the offences of them that are praising You, and make clear our soul from hatred and slander. O Lord, pardon the sins of Your servants who have confessed Your name, and make us worthy to receive this Sacrament with faith. O Lord, pardon Your servants who call upon Your name daily; and grant us, Lord, to be Yours, even as You desire; and may these divine Mysteries, Lord, be to us for the confidence and courage before Your Majesty.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit

As soon as the bread and wine are set upon the alter they. . .

As soon as the bread and wine are set upon the alter they show forth a symbol of the death of the Son, also of His resurrection; wherefore that Spirit which raised Him from the dead comes down now and celebrates the Mysteries of the resurrection of His Body.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit

Blessed is he that believes Him and. . .

Blessed is he that believes Him and assents to His word; for if he be dead he shall live, and if he be alive he shall not die in his offenses.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit

He stood in the place of judgment and. . .

He stood in the place of judgment and bore insult, as Man; and He declared that He is about to come in glory, as
God. He bore His cross upon His shoulder, as a Man; and He revealed and announced the destruction of Zion, as God.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit


The bright robed priest, the tongue of the Church. . .

The bright robed priest, the tongue of the Church, opens his mouth and speaks in secret with GOD as a familiar. He recounts the glory of that incomprehensible Divinity, which is the cause of intelligible and sensible beings, which cannot be comprehended or searched out or scrutinised, which cannot be known by corporeal beings nor yet by the watchers.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit



Then he prepares the people with. . .

Then he prepares the people with an exhortation, and says: Let your minds be aloft in this hour where King Messiah is sitting on the right hand. Be not taken up with vain thoughts of earthly things: Look upon Him that is now mystically slain upon the alter, who sits in the heights and ask mercy for sinners.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit (An Exposition of the Mysteries)

Let no man dare to speak a word with his mouth. . .

Let no man dare to speak a word with his mouth; for he that speaks oversteps, transgresses, the commandment.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit (An Exposition of the Mysteries)

Our Lord Jesus, King to be adored of all creatures, do away from us all harms by. . .

Our Lord Jesus, King to be adored of all creatures, do away from us all harms by the power of Your Mysteries; and when You shine forth at end of the times for the redemption of all, may we go forth to meet You with confidence with Hosannas.

-St. Narsai Harp of the Spirit